Mapping Meaning: 2018

Theme: (re) Surveying the Source: Entanglements of Water, History, and Form
Dates: June 24-29, 2018
Location: The Taft-Nicholson Center, Centennial Valley, Montana
The 2018 workshop was held at the Taft-Nicholson Center, in Centennial Valley, Montana. Near the headwaters of the Missouri, this critical ecological region includes the largest wetland complex in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem with over 260 species of birds. It is also just north of the historic Minidoka Project in bordering Idaho. This large-scale irrigation and powerplant project dramatically transformed the land, water, and history of the region and was surveyed in part by the all-female crew that inspired Mapping Meaning approximately a hundred years later.
And so, we are all entangled; a complicated mix of forms, histories, species and stories. Through these often messy and surprising encounters we “want to start over, with an imagination adequate to the possibilities and the strangeness and the dangers on this earth in this moment.” (Rebecca Solnit)
Mapping Meaning 2018 brought together those looking to (re)survey and explore the friction, shadows, and entanglements of our time.
For information on the Field Station: