Mapping Meaning is a network; developing sustainable collaborations across discipline, distance and generation.
In between biennial workshops these connections continue. Women collaborate on various projects as well as extend guest lecture and visiting artist invitations. Below is a sample of these activities.

HON 3820: PHOTOGRAPHY, LANDSCAPE AND PLACE: The Visual Anthropology of Utah
Honors College, The University of Utah
Trudi Smith, Honors Visiting Artist, York University, Canada
Paul “Monty” Paret, Associate Professor of Art History; Associate Dean, Honors College
Course Description
Exploring the terrain of photographic practices in Utah, this class will tease apart some of our assumptions about photography, landscapes and land use by looking at both historical and contemporary artistic practices and photographic archives. Grounded in interdisciplinary forms of inquiry, the class draws on social science, art theory and art practice to explore and build a visual literacy for the 21st century. This investigation will be guided by a mix of readings, lecture and class discussion, fieldwork and hands-on exploration of image-making. Students will engage with and interpret the course readings and lectures, written assignments and apply the concepts of readings and lectures to their own explorations of photography and written assignments.
We will apply our inquiry to the Great Salt Lake region. We will experiment and test practices of vision and practices of photography. Students will gain experience in the practice of photography and will be able to apply their knowledge of photography to their own practice of taking pictures. This class will also provide students with an introduction to researching historical visual archival collections. Students will engage these collections in their own practice in the local community and will develop a greater understanding of the history and construction of (photography in) Utah.
Hali Felt with Walter H.F. Smith
Guest Lecture in 2012, Honors College, University of Maryland