Lafayette College 2013
A series of micro-workshops took place at Lafayette College focused on the topic of “ecotone.” Defined as a transitional zone between two adjacent communities, ecotone speaks to ecologies in tension. They are regions filled with diversity, intensity and extremes where species interact in complex and dynamic ways at times producing conflict. During the workshops undergraduate students worked alongside Mapping Meaning artists and scholars to explore current transitions in climate and technology and create site-specific work that was included in an exhibition that took place at Lafayette in the Spring of 2014.

Oct 3 / Ecotone: Site of Opportunity
- Krista Caballero and Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, Introductions and Exquisite corpse
Oct 4 / Ecotone: Site of Emergency and Experimentation
- Krista Caballero, Survival 101
- Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, Time Travels: Miseria
Nov 15 / Ecotone: Site of Creativity
- Carmina Sanchez-del-Valle, Infinite Spaces: Shared Terrain
In conjuncture with the Mapping Meaning workshops and symposium, Trudi Lynn Smith came as artist-in-residence. Her Portable Camera Obscura was set up throughout the week on campus as well as downtown for the public.
Student Participants:
- Genevieve M. Asselin
- Andrea Coles
- Elisabeth Day
- L'Eunice Faust
- Julia L. Guarch
- Briana Howard
- Ariel Jakubowski
- Deborah M. List
- Allison K. O'Donnell
- Oluwadamilare Oyefeso
- Nicole Pettingill
- Megan M. Richardson
- Jill Rosker
- Aaliyah B. Shodeinde
A special thanks to Michiko Okaya, Director of Lafayette Art Galleries and Collections Curator and Karina Aguilera Skvirsky, Assistant Professor of Art, Lafayette College.