Gina Badger

Gina Badger

Toronto, Canada

Gina Badger is a practicing artist and writer particularly interested in urban ecology and environmental history.  Badger’s research practice allows her to participate in ongoing conversations about urban ecologies. These conversations, ethically fraught and politically contentious, require rich metaphors that convey the complexity of cohabitation. As such, the goal of much of Badger’s recent work has been to develop a multidisciplinary metaphorical language that can speak to the poetics, as much as the politics and the science, of contemporary ecologies. Always rooted in the concerns of the sculptural tradition, her practice has evolved to include sound, video, graphic, and performative elements. Much of Badger’s recent work has relied heavily on post-studio practices such as gardening, cooking, and pedagogy.

Badger was born to Jillian Yvonne Paschen and Earl Badger in the great western city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. She lived in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, from 2003 to 2008, where she completed her Bachelor of Fine Art at Concordia University.  Badger has served as an intern at Centre des Arts Actuels Skol (Montreal, Canada) and Biennale de Paris (Paris, France). She has exhibited her work in Montreal (DARE-DARE, Art Mûr, Skol, Redbird Studios, and Concordia University), Boston (The Boston Center for the Arts Mills Gallery, The Media Lab Complex, and Studio Soto) and New York (The Kitchen). Badger has presented work on panels in Toronto (The Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, the University of Toronto), London (The London School of Economics), and Montreal (Concordia University). For the last two years, Badger has lived in Boston, where she will complete her Master of Science in Visual Studies from MIT in June 2010.

2010 Participant