Submission Guidelines
LONG FORM (2,500-5,000 words): Critical and analytical work responding to issue themes. May include essays, illustrated texts, etc. Materials should be submitted as MS-Word (.doc, .docx). Visit this page for text submission formatting.
CREATIVE WORK: This category is open to a diversity of genres, forms and methodologies (e.g., video, audio, photography, illustrations, creative writing, etc.). Submission in this category should should include an artist or project statement (300-600 words) listing medium, date, how work addresses editorial focus, as well as any other pertinent information. Visit this page for media submission formats.
CROSS-DISCIPLINARY FERTILIZATION (800-1500 words): Submissions should engage theory, concepts, and inspiration from disciplines beyond the author’s expertise and/or training. Materials should be submitted as MS-Word (.doc, .docx).
INFORMATION: please include with submission
Name of author/co-authors:
150-word bio:
150-word abstract: